- Blue golf shirts with the band name and logo
- regular casual clothing.
- This is for outdoor practices.
Short-sleeve white shirt
Collar rank pins
waist belt
Leather sporran
White popcorn hose
Red garter flashes
Footwear (Ghillie Brogues or regular footwear)
Government-issue service ribbons for military functions.
Number Three
- Glengarry
- Long-sleeve grey shirt
- Tie
- Vest
- Kilt
- Leather sporran
- Grey hose
- Red garter flashes
- Footwear (Ghillie Brogues or regular footwear)
Number Two
- Glengarry
- Day jacket
- Long-sleeve grey shirt
- Tie
- Vest
- Kilt
- Leather sporran
- Grey hose
- Red garter flashes
- Footwear (Ghillie Brogues or regular footwear)
- Government-issue medals
- Legion medals for Legion functions only